Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Doctor Of The Future will give no medicine

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. 

- Thomas Edison circa 1860

Whom To Trust

In this new information age, medical news, health information and advice through the mass media constantly bombard us. Some messages are encouraging, but most of them are causing more confusion and concerns. Drug recalls, discovery of unforeseen side effects, clinical proofs reversing previous claims, flip-flopping health advice and mounting evidence of medical errors are having a heavy toll on people's confidence in modern medicine. Lawsuit tangles involving pharmaceutical companies are most controversial and revealing. It raises doubts in our mind whether we can trust modern medicine and drugs to solve our health problems anymore.

When it comes to personal healthcare advice, there are so many different schools of thoughts. It is very hard to know what is right and whom to trust. The only way to protect our interests is to become more curious and studious by exploring all our avenues and getting more information. Get all the facts together and apply a lot more common sense in making decisions.
To live a long and healthy life is not a simple and easy endeavor. It requires life-long learning, personal responsibilities, disciplines, will power, sacrifice and hard work.
Some Common Myths 

There are many differences between the Chinese food culture and those of the west because of fundamental differences in the approach to healthcare and medical principles. Chinese medicine, with its main emphasis in prevention rather than cure, has spent most of its efforts in analyzing the effects and impacts of food/herbs on health. With more than 5,000 years of experience in experimenting with foods/herbs and perfecting the culinary art of preparing them, the knowledge accumulated up to now is extremely valuable. They are factual, indisputable and very practical.
Modern food science has only started to scratch the surface in understanding food. Its emphasis so far has been on the active ingredients, translating them in terms of vitamins, calories, fat and minerals only. Chinese medicine has studied thoroughly the nature, characteristic, health benefit, impact and the everyday application of food. With the passing of such valuable information from generation after generation, the Chinese are better informed about what and how to eat wisely for optimal health.
The following are a few fundamental differences in the two food cultures, which are making distinctive differences in our health. They are worthy of our attention and rethinking.

Good Habits For Good Health

" Life is short, (the health) art is long, .... It is not enough for the
 physician to do what is necessary, but the patient and attendant
 must do their part as well, and circumstances must be favorable."
- Hippocrates circa 431 B.C. 
Eat Slowly  

Some people regard eating as just a routine and gobble up food very quickly. For others, eating is an enjoyable, satisfying and fulfilling experience. Whether you enjoy eating or not, eating slowly is important for our health.
When we eat slowly, the process of chewing and mixing foods in our mouth with saliva is the first step in digestion. The more we chew our foods, the less work is needed to digest them. It reduces the burden on our digestive system, improves absorption and speeds up the passing of foods through our digestive tract. For people who are constantly experiencing bloating, stomach pain or heartburn after eating, they are eating too fast and are causing indigestion.
The other benefit of eating slowly is to prevent over eating. By eating slowing, we allow the stomach to signal the brain when we have eaten enough before we have eaten too much. For people who want to eat less, eating slowly is most effective.

Eat for Quality and Not Quantity 

Mixed Vegetables

Multi-coloured vegetables
Many people eat for convenience and for economic reasons rather than for health. Fast foods, convenient foods, pre-processed foods are the main reason for obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart problems.
Bad food choices and over eating is the most deadly combination. We should not eat more than 70% of our capacity. Since we have limited capacity and food is so important to our health, we should always put quality first. Quality foods with high nutrient density do not have to be more expensive. Soy products are good examples. They cost a fraction of the price of meat, but have better protein content and other disease fighting properties.
If we want good health, we should eat only fresh and nutritious foods instead of highly processed convenient foods. We should be fully aware of the food source, the nature and characteristics of the foods, how they are being prepared and their pros and cons to our health. We should also rotate our food choices frequently so that the body can draw nutrients from a wider variety of foods. Eating well requires more time and effort, but not necessary more money. 

Eat Foods That Are in Season 

Eat multicoloured vegetables that are in season.
Fruits, vegetables, grains and seeds are all being nourished by the natural forces of the universe. They are the main source of living energies and nutrients, which are vital to our health. Each plant has its own nature, characteristic, properties and specialties and they have their own timetable of growing and maturing. When a food is in season, it is the time to consume plenty of it because the quality and nutritional content will be at its best. The abundant supply keeps the price low 
making it most affordable.

Eat Multi-coloured fruits that are in season
Seasonal foods are also a gift from nature, which keeps our needs in mind. For example, in spring, there are more sprouts, leafy greens and flowering vegetables to provide us with good nutrition to support new growth. In summer, there are plenty of fruits and vegetables with high fluid content, such as tomatoes and watermelons. They quench our thirst and cool us down from the summer heat. In autumn, root vegetables, nuts and grains are plentiful. They are for us to keep and eat through the winter months before the next growing season.

Eating seasonal produce is the best way to be in tune with nature and to lower the adverse impact of the extreme climate. They all have healthy, regulatory and therapeutic effects. In order to stay well and not to miss out on what nature has installed for us, eating seasonal foods is most effective. And it is Home Cooking

Make Your Own Food  

Cook your own food. You get what you want from the vegetables.
There is nothing healthier than eating your own homemade cooking. The food is fresh, of higher quality, no additives, hygienic and not over-processed. A food’s nutritional content is best when it is fresh. Refrigerating, deep-freezing, re-heating, re-cooking and over processing all deplete the nutritional values of food. People who mainly eat out or eat pre-processed foods are at higher risk of contracting infectious diseases. They are more likely to be malnourished and overweight due to low nutritional value, too much fat and plenty of food additives and preservatives. Statistics have confirmed the exponential increase of modern health problems with the increase of out-of-home dinning.
Eating our own cooking is not only healthy, but the process of preparing food is fun, therapeutic and rewarding. It is a good time to break away from our other duties and put all our attention in the food. It is an act of love for oneself and the family. It is an activity that adds warmth, enjoyment and bonding to family life. For families with children, home cooking is good for their physical growth and mental development. They can experience the most basic act of love and care. Home cooking has immeasurable benefits, more than just being 
 is easy, simple and cheap.

Drink More Water  

Most people drink too many soft drinks, sweetened beverages, coffee and tea, and not enough water. All this sugar and caffeine taxes heavily on the spleen, liver and kidneys.
Pure water is needed by our body to keep every cell alive. With 70% of our body being fluids, it requires eight glasses of water per day to replenish the system. The lack of water can lead to skin eruptions, bad breath, constipation, dehydration and kidney stones.
When drinking water, ice cold water is harmful to our stomach so warm water or at room temperature is preferred. A glass of water in the morning before breakfast is necessary to wake up the system and flush out the excessive acid in the stomach. Sipping water frequently throughout the day is healthier than drinking large amounts at a time. Too much water before a meal can dilute the digestive enzymes and cause indigestion. Hot water or tea after meals is effective in cleaning out oil and fat from the meal. We should stop drinking water one hour before bedtime to avoid the need to get up during the night and avoid swollen eyes the next morning.
Water moisturizes our skin, promotes digestion and relieves constipation. It is the source of vital fluid in our bodies. Filtering and boiling our drinking water is essential in protecting ourselves from water born diseases and chemical contamination.

Daily Soup

A Good Soup a Day 

Soup is the easiest form of food for digestion and absorption. The simmering process breaks down the food and allows nutrients to dissolve in the broth. It is an excellent source of nutrition for everyone. Especially for those who cannot chew well such as the young and old, and those who are sick and with poor digestion.
There are a lot of foods that are extremely nutritious, but are too hard to eat other than making them into soups. They are root vegetables, some hardier melons, animal bones, beans, nuts and some seafood. They need longer cooking time, but are very easy to make. Other than putting all ingredients in a pot to boil and checking the cooking periodically, there is no other work involved. Soup is best served with dinner and as the last course because it allows the digestive enzymes to work on the other solid foods first.
Soup is nutritious, non-fattening and is ideal for people watching their weight. The healthy essence is in the soup, so they can just consume the broth without eating the solid content. Many of the Chinese therapeutic recipes are for soup. By cooking herbs and foods together, their synergistic effects are far superior than taking them separately.

Daily Elimination is a Must 
Chinese medicine regards elimination as more important than eating. Daily elimination of stool to get rid of stagnant and bad energy is vital to health. Constipation can lead to swelling of the abdomen, blocking of intestines, bad breathe, skin eruptions, rectal and colon diseases.
Drinking plenty of water and eating lots of high fiber vegetables promotes fast and easy movement of foods. Cabbages, sweet potatoes, bananas and most Chinese vegetables are very effective.
Developing the daily elimination routine in the morning is most suitable and healthy. Drinking a cup of water upon waking up will help. People with such good habits have better skin and complexions, slimmer waistlines, good appetites and are full of energy. They are less likely to have digestive problems or diseases. People with frequent constipation should increase their intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and a laxative should be used when necessary to correct the problem.

Adequate Exercise 

Exercise is necessary for good health, but there are an increasing number of people who overdo it and suffer from related injuries. Older people are particularly vulnerable.
Just as in eating, moderation is the key in exercising. It is important not to ignore the early sign of distress while exercising and know when to stop. The concept of 'no pain no gain' is misleading and creates more problems than good. Exercising with a machine is unnatural and potentially more harmful if not under close supervision.
Doing exercise outdoors is healthier. It benefits the lungs and gives the body a good supply of oxygen. Hiking, cycling, brisk walking and jogging are all good outdoor exercises. They are good for us both physically and mentally. The fresh air, the sun, the smell of the earth, flowers and trees, the sound of nature and the birds and bees are all very relaxing and calming.
Chinese exercise involves both the mind and body. Yoga, tai chi and qi-gong emphasize mindlessness, calm, relaxation and concentration. Their movements are slow, but require both the body and mind to join together. People who practice these exercises on a regular basis control the energy flow within their bodies, promote self-healing and rejuvenation. They retard aging, improve alertness and allow the practitioner to handle stress better.
Adequate exercise is healthy, over doing it will result in self-inflicted health problems and injuries.

Eat Moderately and Have Lots of Variety 

We are what we eat! Foods have direct impact on the state of our health. Most people understand and accept this fact. However, the disease-preventing and disease-healing benefits of foods are so rarely known even though the knowledge has been there since the beginning of time. For some reasons, this knowledge has been downplayed by modern medicine and has remained one of history's best-kept secrets. In fact, modern societies have a system of banning any health claims on food. No wonder why people in these countries are most ignorant about food and are suffering from more health problems.

Nutritional awareness has only gained more attention in recent years with healthcare costs skyrocketed and people having more problems than modern medicine can solve. Modern medical science has been taking the "bandage" approach, dealing with problems after they have occurred. No therapy or drug is to rebuild tissue or to restore the original bodily functions of the diseased parts. Food alone has the potential to correct what has been damaged and to revert what has been wronged. That is why good nutritional food is an indispensable weapon against disease.
Since most people as well as doctors have not been properly educated about the disease-healing effects of most foods, we just have to expand our diet to cover as much varieties as possible so that we are not missing out on any good things. Each food in its natural form is whole, unique and pure and has so much nutrition to offer. Some foods are blood builders. Some are brain foods. Some are muscle foods and some are energy foods. It is only to our best interest if we have a wider selection and keep rotating our food choices for variety sake.
The modern food science of counting calories in determining what to eat is most misleading and meaningless. A diet with A diet with empty calories and not nutrient-rich foods cannot achieve and maintain good health. Only a well-balanced diet in moderation with lots of variety can.

1 comment:

  1. There is a much more powerful weapon against disease than anything else on Earth...

    The plague of Cancer can be erased from the face of the Earth... Very easy... The same goes for infectious diseases... Any inflammation inside the human body can be completely avoided...

    Everybody Relax!

    The greatest discovery in human history has been made!

    In more than 200,000 years of humankind on the planet any forms of cancer and any and all infectious diseases can be wiped out, eradicated once and for all... The discovery guarantees everybody the God's powers of health - never to get sick of cancers, or infectious diseases... Never!

    West Nile virus infection is not only curable, but 100% avoidable. Everybody (regardless of age) can avoid it, even if bitten many times by WNV infected mosquitoes. No antiviral vaccines or therapies are needed any more. Kids and adults can rest assured. West Nile and any other killer viruses on Earth (Colds, Flus, AIDS, Dengue, Yosemite, etc.) can be destroyed very easy and people can live their lives as if no viruses of any kind even exist...

    I got the power to save the world from the West Nile and any other killer viruses spread (Causing Epidemics and Pandemics worldwide). The discovery guarantees what has been dreamed of for more than 200,000 years of humankind on the planet - to possess the Iron Constitution...

    I call it Immunizer - just a simple exercise, but The Complete Colds/Flus/AIDS/West Nile/Yosemite/Cancers Prevention - normally done for a minute a day for kids and adults as the full prevention of the major plagues of civilization. If done for 3 - 4 minutes a day, the immunizer will guarantee a very fast recovery for those infected by Colds, Flus, AIDS, West Nile, Yosemite, Any other killer viruses and from any forms of Cancer (Breast and all the rest)...

    Doing it, I stay healthy all the time. For me Cold and Flu Season does not exist. I cannot catch Cold, or the Flu. No way... I wear my summer tees and shorts all the time, even at air temperature of -15C (5F). I guess nobody else on Earth can walk at this winter air temperature clad in summer clothes... (Having ditched the scarves and parkas forever)...

    Guaranteeing the Iron Constitution, the immunizer guarantees a considerable Life Extension... Once your body does not have to fight viruses and cancers...

    I will disclose my Dream Immunizer (The Deadliest on Earth, The T-Rex Virus Killer and Cancers Preventer and Healer) to everybody in the world, if I am paid 200 Billion US Dollars (or BP) and all of us - kids and adults - will stay absolutely healthy all the time, all our lives, even if we are directly exposed to any possibly existing viruses and cancers on Earth - mutant, deadly and all the like. No killer viruses and cancers on Earth got any chance against the tremendous power of the immunizer - they just die the moment they touch you...


Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins


Good Health to all.

I was posted this article, which may have some provoking thoughts:

The below is absolutely 100% true and as a doctor I have been telling people this for 15 years now. No one wants to listen. Folks need to wake up. Cancer treatment is about making money. It is a 120 billion dollar a year industry in the United States alone and estimated to be a 600 billion dollar a year industry worldwide. A successful cancer case according to the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology means that the person survives for 5 years.

Both the American Cancer Society and the American College of Oncology and Hematology admit that a person is likely to survive cancer for 7 to 10 years even if they do absolutely NOTHING. Of course, only the doctors get those magazines - not you, the cancer patient.

Alternative medicine's track record of curing cancer is 10 times higher than that of conventional medicine. Note that I say CURE.

Remember another thing. A TUMOR is just a symptom. It is not the cause of cancer. Science is cause and effect. Remove the cause and the effect disappears. I am in my third battle with cancer right now. I have not done any chemotherapy or radiation or surgery for any of my bouts with cancer. I survived leukemia, I survived Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and now I have Glioblastoma which is supposedly an incurable form of brain cancer. I was given two months to live 5 months ago. I have been using Chinese herbs, high doses of vitamin C, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy and nutritional changes. Yes, at first it got worse. It had metastasized to my lymph nodes, my lungs and my bones.

As of this week, I am happy to say that there is no evidence now of any cancer in my lymph system or my bones. I had 6 tumors in my lungs, now there are only two. The tumors in my brain have shrunken tremendously. I never did any of their chemo, radiation or surgery.

Here is a very interesting statistic that you can only have access to by being a doctor. Every year more than 1,000 doctors oncologists (cancer doctors) are diagnosed with cancer. Less than 10% of them choose to do the treatment that they have been giving to their patients. Sort of like the fact that less than 25% of all pediatricians vaccinate their own children because of the fact that the risk of sudden death or serious side effects from the vaccination is higher than the risk of catching the disease one is being vaccinated for. This is not bullshit people - it is truth. Medicine is about money, not about your health and the system traps people, especially the elderly, disabled and poor into a deadly treatment regime that puts them in an early grave. Meanwhile, all the jet set billionaires are flying off to Europe and paying big bucks for alternative treatments and getting cured.

Does alternative medicine work all the time? No. Of course not. Nothing works all the time. But there is a reason for that. You don't die until it's your time to die. Nothing can make you live longer than that time. However quality of life comes into play. Those cancer patients who use alternative therapies for their cancer, yet still die from the illness, suffer a much higher quality of life. They die able to spend time with their families and even recognize their family members. They don't become emaciated like those who do chemotherapy or radiation do and rarely is a person who goes under the treatment of chemotherapy able to recognize anyone for the last few days of their lives. Their bodies become ravaged to the point that you can't even recognize them either. They suffer at a much much higher rate and they have one let down after another as doctors tell them, ahhh - it's looking good, only to tell them on the next visit it's looking worse, you need more chemo and radiation.

What is criminal about this is that YOUR DOCTORS KNOW THIS SHIT.

I took an oath as a physician. I have always followed it. That has certainly not made me successful financially as a doctor because I have consistently refused to go along with conventional medicine's bullshit.

Read the below carefully. It may indeed make a difference in your life.

Rick Cantrell, PhD, MD, PsyD